Park Honey May Offer Relief to Hay Fever Sufferers

The introduction of bee hives on the Park could bring relief to local hay fever sufferers.

Anecdotal evidence suggests eating honey from local bees can acclimatise the body and prevent it reacting to airbourne pollen spores thereby reducing the symptoms of hay fever.

Keen to ensure working at Howbery Business Park is a pleasurable experience, park bosses have agreed to make the honey available on an as needed basis for anyone battling hay fever.

And relief from the itchy eyes and runny nose misery may not be too far away. Introduced to the 20-acre site in the spring the two colonies are now happily settled with the first signs of honey production well underway.

Estates Manager Donna Bowles is delighted that the bees are thriving at Howbery Business Park and that they may help the two-legged visitors and residents thrive too. She commented;

“Initially the bee hives were introduced to make the most of our landscape, improve bio-diversity and provide an added interest for our tenants. I have to admit, the potential to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever wasn’t our first thought but once we have honey production underway we will make samples available to local sufferers and hope they see some benefit.”

The two hives, which were established with 5,000 bees and one Queen, are managed by ‘Master of the Bees’ Robin Sergi, landscape manager at Howbery Business Park. Robin said:

“The humble honey bee is a stunning example of nature at its best but unfortunately is under threat from a range of factors including loss of habitat.

“Howbery Business Park has invested in the flora and fauna of the site, recognising that the grounds are a key element that all our tenants enjoy. Over the years we have been able to develop diverse habitats ranging from the ornamental flowers through to wildflower meadows and some of the most impressive specimens of trees in the locality. Not only does this set us apart from the average business park, it also means we offer prime bee real estate.

“In 2013 a colony of rare Ivy Bees were discovered on the site and the success of this endangered species helped to encourage us to explore the potential for the hives we have now introduced.”